Bubble sort is also known as exchange sort. Bubble sort is a simplest
sorting algorithm. In bubble sort algorithm array is traversed from 0 to
the length-1 index of the array and compared one element to the next element and
swap values in between if the next element is less than the previous element. In
other words, bubble sorting algorithm compare two values
and put the largest value at largest index. The algorithm follow the same
steps repeatedly until the values of array is sorted. In worst-case the
complexity of bubble sort is O(n2) and in best-case the
complexity of bubble sort is Ω(n).
Bubble Sorting is an algorithm in which we are comparing first two values and put the larger one at higher index. Then we take next two values compare these values and place larger value at higher index. This process do iteratively until the largest value is not reached at last index. Then start again from zero index up to n-1 index. The algorithm follows the same steps iteratively unlit elements are not sorted.
Simple to implement and understand, but not much more so than several more efficient sorts
- Will be very quick on an already sorted list.
Probably the slowest sort ever invented.
Working of bubble sort algorithm:
Say we have an array unsorted A[0],A[1],A[2]................ A[n-1] and A[n] as input. Then the following steps are followed by bubble sort algorithm to sort the values of an array.
1.Compare A[0] and A[1] .
2.If A[0]>A[1] then Swap A[0] and A[1].
3.Take next A[1] and A[2].
4.Comapre these values.
5.If A[1]>A[2] then swap A[1] and A[2]
at last compare A[n-1] and A[n]. If A[n-1]>A[n] then swap A[n-1] and A[n]. As we see the highest value is reached at nth position. At next iteration leave nth value. Then apply the same steps repeatedly on A[0],A[1],A[2]................ A[n-1] elements repeatedly until the values of array is sorted.
In our example we are taking the following array values
12 9 4 99 120 1 3 10
The basic steps followed by algorithm:-
In the first step compare first two values 12 and 9.
12 9 4 99 120 1 3 10
As 12>9 then we have to swap these values
Then the new sequence will be
9 12 4 99 120 1 3 10
In next step take next two values 12 and 4
9 12 4 99 120 1 3 10
Compare these two values .As 12>4 then we have to swap these values.
Then the new sequence will be
9 4 12 99 120 1 3 10
We have to follow similar steps up to end of array. e.g.
9 4 12 99 120 1 3 10
9 4 12 99 120 1 3 10
9 4 12 99 1 120 3 10
9 4 12 99 1 120 3 10
9 4 12 99 1 3 120 10
9 4 12 99 1 3 10 120
When we reached at last index .Then restart same steps unlit the data is not sorted.
The output of this example will be :
1 3 4 9 10 12 99 120
int array[] = {12,9,4,99,120,1,3,10};
bubble_srt(array, array.length);
public static void bubble_srt( int a[], int n ){
int i, j,t=0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
for(j = 1; j < (n-i); j++){
if(a[j-1] > a[j]){
t = a[j-1];
Notes: Don't bother learning this sort. There are other sorts which are just as easy to implement and much faster. Although there are some time saving modifications that can be made (e.g. keeping track of the last swap in the previous pass, and only going up to there in the current pass), they aren't worth it.
Reference: roseindia
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